


A custom rating bar widget provided by Modular UI.


  • selectedCount: int - How many stars are selected.

  • icon: IconData - The icon used for the filled icon.

  • iconOutlined: IconData - The icon shown by default.

  • borderColor: Color - The border color, the color in which the iconOutlined is shown.

  • selectedColor: Color - The color in which the selected icons are shown.

  • itemCount: int - The total number of icons to render.

  • size: double - The size of the icons.

  • onChanged: Function(int)? - Callback when the user selects an amount of stars.

Example Usage

  selectedCount: 3,
  icon: Icons.star_rounded,
  iconOutlined: Icons.star_border_rounded,
  borderColor: Colors.grey,
  selectedColor: Colors.orange,
  itemCount: 5,
  size: 24,
  onChanged: (count) {
    // Handle rating change


  • Provides a customizable rating bar with various properties.

  • Supports specifying the selected and default icons.

  • Allows setting the border color and selected color.

  • Utilizes the GestureDetector and MouseRegion for interaction.

Last updated