MUISignIn Card

A sign-in card with OAuth support provided by ModularUI.


  • emailController: TextEditingController - Text Editing Controller for email.

  • passwordController: TextEditingController - Text Editing Controller for password.

  • onSignInPressed: Future Function() - Future function to be executed on sign-in. Must be an awaited function.

  • onRegisterNow: VoidCallback - Callback function to be executed when "Register Now" is clicked.

  • bgColor: Color - Background color of the card, default:

  • accentColor: Color - Accent color of the card, contrasting with bgColor, default: Colors.white.

  • borderColor: Color - Border color for the card, default: Colors.grey.

  • borderWidth: double - Border width for the card, default: 1.5.

  • borderRadius: double - Border radius for the card, default: 12.

  • maxWidth: double - Maximum width of the card, default: 430. Responsive to screen size.

  • authButtons: List - List of Flutter Widgets or ModularUI Widgets to be used as authentication buttons.

  • emailController: TextEditingController - Text Editing Controller for email.

  • passwordController: TextEditingController - Text Editing Controller for password.

Example Usage

          emailController: TextEditingController(),
          passwordController: TextEditingController(),
          onSignInPressed: () async {
            await Future.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: 500));
          onRegisterNow: () {},
          authButtons: [
            MUISecondaryOutlinedButton(text: ' Google ', onPressed: (){}, bgColor:, textColor: Colors.white, borderColor: Colors.grey.shade900, leadingIcon:, iconColor: Colors.white),
            MUISecondaryOutlinedButton(text: ' Github ', onPressed: (){}, bgColor:, textColor: Colors.white, borderColor: Colors.grey.shade900, leadingIcon: FontAwesomeIcons.github, iconColor: Colors.white),


  • Provides a customizable and responsive sign-in card with OAuth support.

  • Customize appearance and layout using the provided properties.

  • Supports additional authentication buttons.

Last updated