MUILoadingBlock Button

A customizable loading block level button by ModularUI with optional icons.


  • text: The text to display inside the button.

  • onPressed: A future function to be passed, must be awaited. This function is called when the button is pressed.

  • loadingStateText: Text to be shown when the widget is in the loading state. Default is an empty string.

  • loadingStateBackgroundColor: Background color when the button is in the loading state. Default is Colors.grey.

  • loadingStateTextColor: Text color when the button is in the loading state. Default is Colors.white.

  • bgColor: Background color of the loading block button. Default is

  • textColor: Text color of the loading block button. Default is Colors.white.

  • borderRadius: Border radius for the loading block button. Default is 10.

  • animationDuration: Duration of the animation when the button is pressed in milliseconds. Default is 250ms.

  • hapticsEnabled: Enables light haptic feedback. Default is false.

  • widthFactorPressed: A double value multiplied by the current screen width when the button is pressed.

  • heightFactor: A double value multiplied by the current screen height, determining the height of the button.

  • leadingIcon: Optional leading icon for the button.

  • actionIcon: Optional action icon for the button.

  • iconColor: Icon color for both leading and action icons. Default is Colors.white.

  • widthFactor: A double value multiplied by the current screen width when the button is not pressed.

  • boxShadows: Box shadows for the button.

            text: 'Loading Block Button',
            loadingStateText: 'Please wait..',
            onPressed: () async {
              await Future.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: 1000));

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