MUIText Button

A customizable text button by ModularUI with optional icons.


  • text: The Text to display inside the button.

  • onPressed: On Pressed Function.

  • bgColor: Background Color when the text button is pressed, default: grey.

  • textColor: Text Color of the Text Button, default: black.

  • borderRadius: Border Radius for Text Button, default: 10.

  • animationDuration: Animation Duration in Milliseconds, default: 250 ms.

  • hapticsEnabled: Enables Light Haptic Feedback.

  • widthFactor: A double value which gets multiplied by the current screen width when the button is pressed, default: 0.04.

  • heightFactor: A double value which gets multiplied by the current screen height when the button is pressed, default: 0.03.

  • maxHorizontalPadding: A double value which determines maximum horizontal padding a button can accumulate. Play with this value if you want to use the button on a larger screen size, default: 70.

  • leadingIcon: Optional leading icon for the button.

  • actionIcon: Optional action icon for the button.

  • iconColor: Icon color for both leading and action icons, default: white.

Example Usage

  text: "Text Button",
  onPressed: () {},


  • This component uses a GestureDetector to handle tap events and provides customizable visual feedback.

  • The button adjusts its appearance based on whether it is pressed or not, providing a visual indication of interaction.

  • Icons can be added to the leading and action positions with customizable colors and sizes.

  • Haptic feedback can be enabled for a subtle tactile response.

Last updated