


A custom list tile provided by Modular UI.


  • bgColor: Color - Background color of the MUI list tile.

  • title: Widget - Title widget of the MUI list tile.

  • description: Widget - Description widget of the MUI list tile.

  • leading: Widget? - Leading widget of the MUI list tile.

  • action: Widget? - Action widget of the MUI list tile.

  • onTitlePressed: VoidCallback? - Function to execute when the title is pressed.

  • onDescriptionPressed: VoidCallback? - Function to execute when the description is pressed.

  • onPressed: VoidCallback? - Function to execute when the MUI list tile is pressed.

  • maxWidth: double - Maximum width for the MUI list tile.

  • borderRadius: double - Border radius of the MUI list tile.

Example Usage

        leading: Icon(Icons.home),
        title: Text("Modular UI"),
        description: Text("description"),
        bgColor: Color(0xFFa2d2ff),
        action: Icon(Icons.edit),


  • Provides a customizable list tile with various properties.

  • Supports leading, title, description, and action widgets.

  • Allows specifying functions to execute on different interactions.

  • Utilizes the Container widget for styling and layout.

Last updated